E Komo Mai…Welcome!
Uʻi Gallery
owner and artist
Rachael Ray Au Hoon.
Hawaiian oil painter and designer Rachael Ray is driven
by an incredible passion for aloha ʻāina – love for land.
Weaving her love of the Hawaiian Kingdom
and its many storied, sacred places,
with imaginative self-expression
Born and raised on Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands,
Rachael Rayʻs oil paintings are noted for their unique style,
elegance, sensuality, and technique.
Rachael Ray creates oil paintings
that weave Hawaiian culture and
kaona (hidden meanings)
with realism and expressionism.
Rachaelʻs use of vibrant colors and strong lines
make her work an excellent choice for a wide range of collectors.
Rachaelʻs artwork is found in gift shops in Hawaiʻi
including the Kahului Airport; as well as resorts, restaurants, and private collections
from Japan to Russia, Canada to the United States,
and of course in the Hawaiian Kingdom!
Uʻi Gallery manager Kaiʻu is filled with aloha
not to mention legendary local service!